Our monthly Board meeting is normally held on the second Wednesday of the month. This month we had sickness and COVid preventing us from meeting on July 12 so we are hoping to reschedule for the 19 th
Happy summer! Join us for stories, songs, and rhymes, followed by social playtime. Suggested for babies and toddlers birth - 2 with a caregiver. This is a drop-in program.
The "How to Create a Rental Unit" webinar will be moderated by YCSA's Housing Innovation Manager, Amber Harrison with speakers from the fields of municipal planning, code enforcement, building, and realty including Ja
Meet with restaurateur regarding proposed plastic reduction ordinance.
Build something amazing! Each builder will use the Library Legos to create something to put on display until our next builder meeting. Kids in kindergarten through 4th grade are welcome to participate with a caregiver. This is a drop-in program.
Enjoy family friendly tunes in the background while you visit! Every Wednesday evening for the summer.
Join us for a monthly reading group to simply read the Bible and have the opportunity to discuss together what has been read in a non-religious setting and format. We will have a plan to read through the Bible in one year.
Regular Business Meeting