YRCA Energy Coaches Subcommittee

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Purpose of Meeting

We are a subcommittee of the YRCA Energy Coaches who meet in the Wheeler Room every other Tuesday from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. We have been tasked with a project that I think will take us another 3 to 4 meetings, each for an hour just before the regular Energy Coaches meeting. There are three of us on the subcommittee, and we hope to one or two guests for some meetings. For the subcommittee's first 2 meetings we checked in at the front desk without a room reservation and wound up meeting in the Wheeler Room both times. This past week all the meeting options were full just before 2:00, with one of the small rooms and the Wheeler Room reaching the two hour mark at 2:00pm. A very helpful librarian put us in the Wheeler Room after checking with the people in both rooms. It worked out very well for us. Until now we have hesitated to reserve the Wheeler Room to leave it available for larger groups, but now it seems that it might work our better for us to reserve it for our remaining meetings. We are happy to follow your recommendation. Thanks, JG.