An Evening with John Perrault: Poet, Songwriter and Balladeer

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Special Event, Performance

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Registration for this event will close on April 8, 2025 @ 6:30pm.
There are 50 seats remaining.

Program Description

Event Details


YPL National Poetry Month Celebration Event

Author, poet, songwriter and balladeer, former Portsmouth Poet Laureate John Perrault reads, recites and sings poems and songs—from Wordsworth to Whitman, Dickinson to Dylan, and beyond—plus originals (e.g. “Saco River Song,” “Carbon the Garden,” “Walk by the River”) dedicated to the precious rivers and landscapes—material and spiritual—that water our lives.

The Saco River rises in Crawford Notch, NH and runs—sometimes meanders—136 miles to Saco Bay—where it flows out and around Wood Island Light. (You know, that tiny speck of light Winslow Homer painted from his perch on Prout’s Neck.) Wood Island is just off the tip of East Point at Biddeford Pool, Maine.

Part of this presentation celebrates the Saco and all rivers that are the life blood of this land. A land under enormous stress due to development, pollution, and a warming climate tipping too close to the edge.


About John Perrault:

John Perrault presents various ballad, historical and musical poetry programs for libraries, historical societies, schools and other non-profit organizations.

John is a balladeer, poet, author, and song-writer. Over the years he has performed his songs and poems in numerous venues throughout New England, including The New England Folk Festival, The Maine Festival, The Prescott Park Arts Festival, Chautauqua, Writers' Day for the New Hampshire Writers' Project, The Maine Writers Conference, The Seacoast Writers Conference, Passim, The Stone Church, and countless libraries, schools and coffee houses. He is the author of Jefferson's Dream, The Ballad of Louis Wagner and other New England Stories in Verse, Here Comes the Old Man Now and Season of Shagginess. He was poet laureate of Portsmouth, NH, 2003 - 2005. 


"John Perrault is a welcome balm for the hectic pace of our 21st century society.  His poetry and lyrics, though contemporary, are grounded in a lyric tradition that is timeless.  The way he seamlessly weaves his ballads, his poems, and those of other writers who have inspired him makes each of his performances unique, vibrant, and stirring.  If you want to be moved, you will find a Perrault reading. Sit down and let him take you on a journey that you won't forget."    --Jennifer Franklin, Program Director, The Hudson Valley Writers' Center




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