Invasive Plant Removal Workday at Fuller Forest Preserve in York

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Program Type:

Climate, Speaker Series

Age Group:

Teens, Adults
Registration for this event will close on April 29, 2025 @ 9:00am.
There are 30 seats remaining.

Program Description

Event Details


This program is part of our 2025 Climate Change Series: Coastal Impacts and Resources. This series is co-sponsored by York Public Library, York Ready for Climate Action and York Land Trust. 

Sessions include: Sea Level Rise on Feb. 12, Offshore Wind on Feb. 26, How to Speak Bird on March 12, Native Bird Stroll on March 16, Working Waterfront on March 26, Coastal Tourism and Sustainability on April 9, Helping Coastal Towns to Adapt on April 23, Invasive Plant Removal on April 29, and York Land Trust Native Plant Sale on May 10. Most are Virtual Programs!


Join York Land Trust Stewardship Team for a fun, active morning of invasive plant management at Fuller Forest Preserve (part of York Land Trust). York Land Trust staff will provide an overview of invasive plant species, teach you how to identify common invasive plants at Fuller Forest Preserve, and discuss what you can do about invasive species in your backyard and beyond! Removal of each species will be modeled and practiced by participants, so sturdy shoes, long sleeves and gardening gloves are recommended.


About the Fuller Forest Preserve:

The Fuller Forest Preserve includes access to more than 4 miles of trails through forested wetlands. The preserve is open from dawn to dusk. Hiking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, nature study, mountain biking and hunting are all allowed.

The Preserve is a sustainably-managed working forest with public access trails. These 220 acres include a mixed hardwood forest, ponds, streams, and forested wetlands that provide habitat for a diversity of wildlife including spotted salamanders, wood frogs, and wading birds. You’ll also find stonewalls from a past era of agriculture, and evidence of timber harvests that continue to make the forest more diverse and healthy. This preserve abuts additional conservation lands that together create a 1,300-acre contiguous block of undeveloped land. This type of vast unfragmented habitat, where wildlife can freely roam, is critical to the survival and longevity of many species.



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