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York Public Library's fall art exhibit is entitled Late to the Party and features the work of Brian Wagoner, known in the art world as Bunkt_. The show will be on display September 3 through October 31, with an artist reception on Tuesday, September 10 from 5-7PM.
Brian Wagoner was born in New Hampshire in 1972; mild mannered, humble and a bit shy. His communication style was quiet and stifled, and he was “always struggling to express [himself] with words.”
He originally pursued a career in teaching and worked as a wilderness counselor for children who struggled in a mainstream school environment. It was work that ultimately took a heavy emotional, psychic, and physical toll.
At the age of 44, after years of struggling with personal demons, Wagoner discovered the healing power of art, and the artist Bunkt_ emerged.
“People don’t see me and my art on the same plane,” said Bunkt_. “I don’t use my voice. My art expresses weirdness and individuality that was stuck previously in my head. What you see is exactly what I want to put out there. I’m not interested in viewing or making art that doesn’t have something important to say. No one could have taught me to do this.”
A self-taught artist, Bunkt_ expresses his thoughts and his voice with torn up canvases from previous works, cardboard, and unconventional materials, often found on the floor of his studio or in nature while walking his dog, Nellie.
Nellie, as well as Bunkt_’s five feral cat roommates, make numerous appearances in his art.
Bunkt_’s artist statement describes the transformative power of art: “My art is deeply personal. I burn, rip, staple, glue things together because it relates to who I am as a person. Like a lot of you, I have struggled with many demons in my life… experiences that nearly broke me. Through destruction, building things from ruin, taking trash and making it whole, I have found a way to heel [sic] and to express myself. My end product is often ugly, bruised and beaten. But I feel they are also whole again, mysterious and interesting.”
Lynne Bailey, a member of York Public Library’s Art Committee, helped plan the show.
“I wish I could describe how I felt the first time I saw his work,” she said. “I saw large faces—probably self-portraits—and they projected so much compassion and pain at the same time. I thought, you can’t just glance at them, read the title, and move on. They demand a mental response. After that, I wanted to know the artist.”
Bunkt_ has exhibited at numerous locations in Dover, New Hampshire, including The Art Center, Breakaway Cafe, Adelle’s Coffeehouse, Pin Ups, and The Wilder in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Follow him on Instagram here and check out his website here.
While Bunkt_’s work adorns the walls in the upper level, ceramic pieces by York artist Ned Roche will be on display in the Library’s display cases in a collection called, “Folds to Things.”

“Bunkt_: Late to the Party” and Ned Roche’s “Folds to Things” are on display at York Public Library beginning September 3. Learn more at